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a close up photo of a little girl smiling and looking into the camera



Why add an extra item to your weekly shop for someone in need? We always need long life food items, new toiletries and other items in good condition.

You could sponsor a food parcel weekly or monthly, or even as a one off alternative gift for a friend's doing so you'll make a big difference to a local family who might be struggling to feed their children or afford essentials such as shampoo and clothing.


We need volunteers to help with a variety of roles, this can be sorting donations, teaching English, letting people know about our work, helping with events or wrapping christmas gifts for children, there is something everyone can do. Training and support provided as necessary. Just email us to get started...


You can HELP by purchasing on item off our Amazon wishlist or by using 'Amazon Smile' every time you shop and selecting us as your charity of choice, then each time you make a purchase, Amazon will donate to us, at no cost to yourself.


Here is our wishlist:


By giving money to HELP, you can make a big difference to individuals and families locally. 

£10 - Can help a family buy their child's school shirt

£15 - Can pay for an emergency food parcel for an individual in need.



If your company is interested in sponsoring a project or one-off event, please contact us, we are always open to new ideas and happy to discuss...Please email us at

A symbol in black and white of two hands holding eachother in the shape of a heart

© 2025 by H.E.L.P

01733 735563

​Find us: 

14/15 Hereward Cross, Midgate, Peterborough, PE1 1TB

Registered Charity Number: 1199149

Online Centre Number : 8009733

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